We're excited to announce the upcoming Halatuju 4 (HT4) workshop, part of ongoing efforts to improve the Bachelor of Accounting program offered by public and private universities in Malaysia. 

The overall objective is to ensure the curriculum is up-to-date and includes the latest developments in the market to produce competent graduates.

The HT4 implementation workshop will unpack the meaning and essence of the AaDab© infused curriculum, an initiative that brings together academics, professionals, and industry to champion a cause for the nation's building.

Date: 31 March 2023
Time: 9.30 am - 12.00 pm
Location: Online Webex

The HT4 initiatives would bridge present gaps and weaknesses in the delivery of accounting education with an emphasis on collective actions and collaborative learning among universities, profession, and industry.

To attend the HT4 workshop, please go to https://usm-cmr.webex.com/usm-cmr/j.php?MTID=m6973234f5519398794e57ed4fb2c2783

Please feel free to share this post with your colleagues and friends who might be interested. We look forward to seeing you there!